29 April 2008

Starting off...

Upon realization that I've actually had this blog for a relatively long time now (and have yet to use it,) I have come to the idea to actually utilize something that I have at my disposal.  So this shall be the new home of me.

My thoughts (fragmented and crazy as they are), my stories (supposedly funny as some have said), and anything else that I can express through words to whomever may read it.

So to any and all who are reading this, have read this, or shall read it in the future, allow me to say this to you: this shall be truly what I am and nothing else.  There shall be no filler, no fluff, and no bullshit convoluting this small blog, and so long as I have lungs in my air and stomachs in my food, I shall stand by that creed.

(...and um, strike that -- reverse it.)

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